
Important Bird Areas Program

From the forested mountains in the west, to the Chesapeake Bay, to the Atlantic Coast, Maryland is home to a diverse array of critical habitat for birds.

From the forested mountains in the west, to the Chesapeake Bay, to the Atlantic Coast, Maryland is home to a diverse array of critical habitat for birds.

Audubon Maryland-DC’s Important Bird Areas program is designed to halt population declines in vulnerable bird species by working with public land planning offices and partners to protect and enhance the habitats they depend on for nesting, foraging, and resting during migration.

To make a gift by check, please make your check payable to Audubon Maryland-DC, specifying the Important Bird Area Program and mail to:

Audubon Maryland-DC
2901 E. Baltimore Street, Box 2
Baltimore, MD 21224

Or Donate Now

How you can help, right now

Audubon Maryland-DC and Audubon Pennsylvania have joined forces to become Audubon Mid-Atlantic.