Audubon Maryland-DC

Protecting the birds and places they need in Maryland and the District of Columbia

Photo: luckybon

Audubon’s mission is to protect birds and the places they need. We have lost three billion birds across the Americas since the 1970s.  We must therefore redouble our efforts to address two of the most significant threats to birds—habitat biodiversity loss and climate change. In the Mid-Atlantic, Audubon’s new strategic Flight Plan touches down in our work to create healthy and resilient ecosystems where birds thrive and all people have access to nature and a voice in environmental stewardship.

We use conservation and policy strategies to advance our goals for the Mid-Atlantic’s forests, saltwater marshes, and the Delaware River watershed. We work in Baltimore and Philadelphia to create biodiverse public green spaces that increase each city’s climate resiliency. We act to increase the adaptation of renewable energy throughout the region. We host programs that welcome people into the wondrous world of birds through free bird tours, community science projects, and other educational offerings that builds a community of bird lovers who take actions great and small to help them thrive.

News in the Mid-Atlantic

Audubon Mid-Atlantic Impact Report Fall 2021

Audubon Mid-Atlantic Impact Report Fall 2021

From the coasts of Maryland to the forests of Pennsylvania, Audubon’s wings spread to benefit birds and people region-wide.

With Gratitude For Our Flock

With Gratitude For Our Flock

November 2021 News and Upcoming Events

Birds Guide Our Strategies

Birds Guide Our Strategies

October 2021 News and Upcoming Events

Bird-friendly laws go into effect in Maryland to protect birds and their habitats

Bird-friendly laws go into effect this fall to protect birds and their habitats

Thanks to your support, several bird-saving proposals are now law in Maryland thanks to the efforts of our supporters during the spring legislative session.

Healthy Forests and Safe Passage

Healthy Forests and Safe Passage

September 2021 News and Upcoming Events

Protecting Critical Coastlines and Waters

Protecting Critical Coastlines and Water

August 2021 News and Updates

Raising the Bar for Salt Marshes on Deal Island

Raising the Bar for Salt Marshes on Deal Island

Salt marshes along the Chesapeake Bay watershed are rapidly deteriorating due to sea level rise, and Audubon is leading the way to develop innovative projects to protect and restore these vital habitats for marsh birds such as the Black Rail and Saltmarsh Sparrow.

Nesting Platform Initiative Launched for Endangered Birds in Maryland Coastal Bays

Nesting Platform Initiative Launched for Endangered Birds in Maryland Coastal Bays

Conservation partnership deploys “Island” for colonial nesting waterbirds.

Latest Updates on Songbird Illness in the Region

Latest Updates on Songbird Illness in the Region

Audubon partners with local conservation agencies provide guidance on what they know and how you can help.

Our State's Birds

How you can help, right now

Audubon Maryland-DC and Audubon Pennsylvania have joined forces to become Audubon Mid-Atlantic.