Sharing Our Seas & Shores takes a full life-cycle approach to the conservation of coastal birds by focusing on the protection of key sites and habitats that shore-dependent birds require at critical points in their annual cycle. The program combines local community engagement, the best available science and proven, site-based conservation methods to stabilize and recover populations of coastal birds.
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As the muralist continues around the southern United States, herons have been a constant.
After cozying up in the spring, Bald Eagles settle into New York City for another winter.
Help secure the future for birds at risk from climate change, habitat loss and other threats. Your support will power our science, education, advocacy and on-the-ground conservation efforts.
Donating monthly is flexible, easy and convenient and makes you a champion birds can count on, no matter the season
Get involved in helping to preserve our birds and their habitats today. There is something for everyone!